Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Eaglebait will be back in print soon!

I'm so pleased to let everyone know that the paperback reprint of Eaglebait will be available this spring.  I was able to utilize the Authors Guild Back-in-Print service through iUniverse.  Eaglebait is cited by numerous anti-bullying advocacies but being out-of-print has made it virtually unobtainable.  As soon as I get publication date and ordering info, I will be letting everybody know via my blog, Face Book, my web, and any other way possible that Eaglebait rides again!  I'm especially counting on my friends, relatives, and colleagues who have connections with schools, libraries, social issues and counseling groups to get the word out.  Eaglebait presents a realistic view of bullies in the schools and offers ideas for how students can work through similar problems in their own lives.  Stay tuned, readers.  More info coming soon!

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