Monday, February 21, 2011


I've sent in my copy of the contract with L&L Dreamspell for my novel A RED, RED ROSE.  They said it would take several weeks to returned my signed copy, so I'm checking the mail daily.  Not anticipating any hitches, but until I have that signed can imagine the nail-biting. 
     Also, I should be hearing from iUniverse soon.  They'll send me proofs for the reprint of EAGLEBAIT (paperback) as well as the cover art.  That time window is 8 to 16 weeks--which gives me plenty of time for anxiety pangs.  I've already written a teacher's guide for the literary part of EAGLEBAIT, but must do more research before I finalize guides for anti-bullying groups.  Rather hard to do without Internet at my elbow. 
     I shall be calling on friends and colleagues as well as family soon to help me with marketing and promotion.  Any educators out there interested in providing resource info??
     Aloha to all!

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