A mid-summer notice from my publisher blindsided me and my 200 writer colleagues published by L&L Dreamspell, a small Indie outfit in Texas. One of the L's (Linda) had died suddenly. The other L (Lisa) made the decision to close the company.
Thank goodness Lisa offered us some lifelines. She rounded up some publishers who agreed to give our books priority. While re-publishing required a query letter, synopsis and some editing, I feel extremely lucky to have landed a contract with
The Wild Rose Press, an excellent five-year-old New York Indie company with some 800 authors.
When I submitted my ms. to
TWRP, I said, "I don't know if you'll like my novel, but it certainly fits in with your name." As it turns out, A RED, RED ROSE will be published under their "Crimson Line" (suspense)!
A RED, RED ROSE, a Southern Gothic/cozy mystery, is in production for re-publishing as we speak, and I should receive notification any day that it will go to Kindle Select for 90 days. Some time during that period the novel will be offered free for 5 days.
I am delighted to share with you my NEW cover. I think it's eye-catching, to say the least and very gothic, for sure. I'd love to hear your opinions.
Also, for those who read A RED, RED ROSE and clamored for a sequel, I have finished the draft of FLOW GENTLY, SWEET ASHBY. My editor at
TWRP says she'll give it a look whenever I am ready.
Finally, I am readying EAGLEBAIT, my YA book about school bullies,
for e-book and print through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Revised and updated to include cyber-bullying, the story of how Wardy Spinks survives mean-spirited bullying and builds self-esteem, is ever relevant.
As you can see, I have been busy. Ultimately, I feel the tragedy of a folding publisher and the effort to obtain a new one will result in better promotion for my writing.
I will share all three publication dates as soon as I know!