Friday, June 15, 2012

What a unique experience I had at the Seven Hills Paranormal Society's June meeting! I shared some points about my research and writing of A RED, RED ROSE, then read a passage in which my protagonist in the middle of the night is led by music to an old porch where a chair rocks itself. Got nice reactions from the group and some pithy questions.  But here's the FUN part...I waqs the one asking questions as I sketched out for them my next novel. "Can children actively seek and find resident spirits in a house?" was my first question. "How much technical help would be needed by adults and what might that involve?" was another. I got so many suggestions and ideas that I wanted to run home and start typing immediately. And then, today when I checked the Seven Hills website, I found someone had posted a lot of historical and background info about "family ghosts" that so fit my Rosabelle character in A RED, RED ROSE that it gave me goosebumps. Especially since I made up everything about my Rosabelle Spirit--or so I thought! thanks to Seven Hills Paranormal. I can't wait to go on a field trip and learn more!
Tomorrow it's a group signing at the new library in Roanoke. This is virgin territory for me; I know only a couple of people who live there, so it will be a good test of interest for A RED, RED ROSE. Wish me luck!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mystery Lovers Corner Interview and Lakeside Singers

Lots of action here at Smith Mountain Lake! I'm pleased to share my guest interview with Mystery Lovers Corner, which includes a free give-away of two copies of A RED, RED ROSE. Pull it up and register! I am finding these on-line interviews and guest blogs to be more fun than Christmas! I love the chance to interact with readers and writers all over the world. Here's the link:
On a different note, Friday night was the first performance of Lakeside Singers' "Savor the Seventies" concert. Local lakers, if you love the memories evoked by the sounds of
the Bee Gees, ABBA, the Carpenters, the Beatles and other greats of that decade, come out to the Saturday matinee at 2 pm at TEP. Ned does a pretty good John Travolta (without the hair)!