Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July at Smith Mt. Lake rocks

What a sensory experience we had last night viewing the fireworks by boat.  A gang of 7, toting wine and snacks, ventured out on the lake to enjoy the Saunders Marina display in duplicate--make that triplicate:  sky, reflection in lake, echo off the mountain.  Awesome!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Home from Hawaii, tanned and tired

Back to reality after 2 weeks of family, fun, and Hawaiian was all good!  With 14 of us in one place at the same time, we managed to cram in 3 parties, 2 picnics, 2 all-family dinners out and a lot of surf, sand, and sushi.  We returned to our Lake jet-lagged and loaded with over 700 pictures to sort out on the computer.  Will post some of the best ones soon.  Aloha, everyone.